The girls came over for game night. We were scheduled to begin at 7:00. . . . but preteen time that means 7:30. At 7:25 my apartment was calm and quiet. By 7:32 it was filled with 10 crazy girls and 2 adults that are either clearly naive or definitively insane. Sadly, we knew what we were getting into, so insane it is.
Trisha could not BE more excited to be part of game night. Seriously though, the table team was no match for the couch team. . . I mean c'mon now.

Imani came. She is not quite old enough to come into the 'kitchen' group, but she knocks on the door every week. She's pretty great. Sass and a half. . . love Imanigirl!

I mean really!?!?! How can you not just fall in love with this one? Tamiya Day! Gorgeous and sweet. . . pleeeeeaaaaassseeeee let her stay this way always.

You know when there is a spotlight to be had, Myhonia Day will be right there to fill it up. My girl took charge of the games.
oooh - what games did you play?!
Sarah. . . i love that you leave comments. . . we played a little Taboo, some 'Time is Up' and some Catch Phrase. Love you girl!
Looks like you guys had a great time- keep it up!!!
Yes indeed, in some moments I can say that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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